How can I verify a supplier from Alibaba

It is true that there are many fraud and fake supplier on platform like Alibaba. Portlogy can help you to verify a supplier on Alibaba from China or India. Our agent will visit supplier and verify goods and documents to confirm if it is an existing supplier. We charge nominal fee for this service.

Here are some tips to reduce risk of cheating:

  • Know rating of supplier: Gold supplier and old suppliers are better.
  • Do all your communication via Alibaba. This will make sure that you can take help of Alibaba in case of fraud because you can use conversation as a proof.
  • Pay via Alibaba.
  • If your order is large, personal visit is recommended.
  • If the prices of supplier is very low, then it may be a fraud supplier.
  • We can also help you by verifying the supplier and inspecting the goods at the time of packing. This service has nominal charge.

Contact us for verification of supplier in China (HindChina is a division of Portlogy)

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